The history of postal museology in Slovakia began in 1749, when Jozef Hecht, a postal supervisor at the post office in Bratislava, published his book The lntroduction to the Universal European Postal Law. Since then, articles, studies, and publications about the postal history and postal services are being published. The post in Slovakia was engaged in arising of postal museums in Budapest and Prague in the period of the Austro-Hungary and the Czechoslovak Republic. The idea of establishing of the Slovak Postal Museum arised in the forties and succeeded in the eighties of the 20th century, when the Documentational Centre of Telecommunications was established in Bratislava. The centre was affected by the changes connected with the origin of the Slovak Republic in 1993. The Central Slovak Post Office moved to Banska Bystrica in 1997 .The Centre was registered by the Minislry of Culture of the Slovak Republic as the Slovak Post Office, Postal Museum. It's collection activities are directed at the attention of the postal history, postal services, and postage art as documented by the first perrnanent exhibition opened in October 9, 2001.
PhD. Štefan Kollár, Museum Director