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Entry, transit and departure of foreign civil aircraft into/from the Slovak airspace

non-scheduled flights



1. Types of non-scheduled flights of foreign civil aircraft


Non-scheduled flights of foreign civil aircraft are divided into flights:

  • flights of civil transport aircraft not landing in the Slovak Republic,
  • flights of civil transport aircraft landing in the Slovak Republic for non-commercial purposes,
  • flights of civil transport aircraft having a seating configuration, excluding pilot seat of 10 or less, landing in the Slovak Republic for commercial purposes (air taxi),
  • flights of civil transport aircraft landing in the Slovak Republic for commercial purposes, other than air taxi,
  • flights flights for humanitarian purposes, emergency medical service flights, air ambulance flights,
  • private flights,
  • training flights,
  • flights for remuneration other then air transport flights.


For flights of civil transport aircraft operated by third country air carries and the air carries of the European Union not holding Operating License issued by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic conducting flights from/to third countries, landing in the Slovak Republic for commercial purposes and for flights of civil transport aircraft which are not registered in the member state of ICAO, it has to be applied for and obtained a permission from the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.


2. Permission of non-scheduled flights


All cargo non-scheduled flights of civil transport aircraft operated by third country air carries and the air carries of the European Union not holding Operating License issued by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic conducting flights from/to third countries landing in the Slovak Republic (irrespective of cargo quantity) shall be permitted by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.


The application for permission of non-scheduled flights of foreign civil of civil transport aircraft landing in the Slovak Republic for commercial purposes other than air taxi shall be submitted to:

  • Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
  • Directorate General of Civil Aviation
  • Námestie slobody 6
  • P. O. Box 100
  • 810 05 BRATISLAVA
  • Slovak Republic
  • TEL:+421/2/59 49 47 44
  • FAX:+421/2/52 73 14 70
  • e-mail:


The application shall be submitted by letter, fax, AFTN or e-mail as follows:

  • for non-scheduled flights of transport aircraft to/from the Slovak Republic for commercial purposes and for flights of transport aircraft which are not registered in the member state of ICAO, the application shall be submitted at least 3 working days before the intended flight,
  • for non-scheduled flights of transport aircraft to/from the Slovak Republic for commercial purposes, being transported dangerous goods on board, the application shall be submitted at least 14 days before the intended flight.


The application shall include at least the following data:

  • air operator certificate,
  • insurance certificate of liability insurance with respect to damages caused by operation of aircraft to the third parties and of liability insurance with respect to contract of carriage (damage to passengers, their baggage and to cargo),
  • name and address of the aircraft operator, ICAO three-letters designation of the aircraft operator,
  • type of aircraft, its registration mark and its seat capacity,
  • maximum take-off mass of aircraft,
  • flight number (if used),
  • date and estimated time of departure and airport of departure,
  • date and estimated time of arrival and airport of arrival,
  • purpose of the flight, number of passengers and/or nature and quantity of cargo carried to/from the Slovak Republic,
  • name and address of the charterer,
  • in case of cargo charter flights names and addresses of the consignee and consignor in the Slovak Republic,
  • in case of Inclusive Tour Charter Flight (ITC) flights, the application shall comprise details concerning the programme,
  • for a series of non-scheduled flights the application shall comprise the charter contract,
  • in the case of cargo or mail transportation from an airport situated in a third country, which is not listed in the Attachment 6-F to the Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 as amended, the application shall comprise a designation of "cargo or mail air carrier to EU from third country airport (ACC3)", in accordance with the Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 as amended,
  • TCO authorisation, if required.


3. TCO authorisation


All third country operators (TCO) engaging in non-scheduled commercial air transport operations into/within/out of the territory of the Slovak Republic, which is subject to the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union, including TCOs which are wet leased-in by, or code-sharing with EU air carrier must hold TCO authorisation issued by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). More information is available at EASA website http://easa.europa.EU/TCO


TCO authorisation is not required for TCOs overflying the Slovak Republic territory without planned landing.


4. Dangerous goods on board


In case of forbidden dangerous goods the air carriers have to apply for an Exemption and Landing Permit (and fulfil all the necessary criteria) irrespective of the Slovak Block Permit according to point 5.


5. Special procedures for flights between the United Kingdom and the Slovak Republic


The air carriers of the United Kingdom shall enjoy the rights to make stops in the territory of the Slovak Republic to provide scheduled and non-scheduled air transport services without limitation on routes, capacity or frequencies between any points situated in the territory of the United Kingdom and any points situated in the territory of the Slovak Republic (Third and Fourth Freedom Traffic Rights).


In case of non-scheduled air transport services which are of a short term or one-off nature, in order to avoid the need to obtain separate permission for each individual flight and/or operation, the air carriers of the United Kingdom can obtain a single Slovak Block Permit which will authorise such services for up to a 6 month period valid from the day of issue.


The application shall be submitted

  • to the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic,
  • by e-mail:,
  • at least 3 working days before the intended first flight.


The application shall include at least the data mentioned in point 2.


The air carriers of the European Union or the air carriers of the ECAA may also be granted Slovak Block Permit.


The permit holder has to provide the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic with details of all flights operated under the granted Slovak Block Permit for information purposes and this can be done also after the flight individually for each conducted flight or group of flights.




update 21 May 2021.